Frozen Spirulina Packing 96 Units - about 2 kg

  • 324.00
  • מחיר חבר מועדון:
אזל המלאי
Twelve packeges 

  • זמן אספקה ותנאי רכישה
    זמן אספקה - בין 4-6 ימים
    איסוף עצמי בתל אביב בימי ראשון ורביעי 8:00-17:00
    איסוף עצמי ברחובות בימי שני וחמישי 10:00-18:00
One pack is 160 grams, divided into 8 servings, 20 grams per serving.
Each serving contains at least 4 grams of protein - ideal for vegetarians and vegans.
The spirulina is kept in the freezer for a year and a half.
It is recommended to take one serving a day for a week or two until improvement is felt and then lower the dose to twice or three times a week while switching to a healthier diet.
Frozen spirulina is recommended in a green smoothie or shake with fruits for breakfast or two hours before a workout.
Answers to frequently asked questions about Frozen Spirulina and more details can be read here.
Live spirulina are pioneers of the spirulina growing field and super foods
- More fresh
-Lower price
For a free consultation call: 054-6939140


